Supported Faucets

There are currencies on the Ethereum network such as ETH and test ETH. Unlike ETH in the mainnet, test ETH has no real value. Therefore, there are no markets for testnet ETH. Most people get testnet ETH from faucets. Faucets are web apps where developers can input an address and the requested test ETH will be sent automatically.

First, choose one of the Ethereum testnets. Then set the account of Block Explorer. There is a “faucet” icon at the right end of the address search bar. Click the icon and it will turn to the faucet page of the corresponding testnet. The Ethereum Studio only supports faucets of Ropsten, Rinkeby and Kovan. Developers can check the Goerli faucet link by oneself.

Ropsten Faucet

Click the “Faucet” icon and the page will jump to the Ropsten Faucet. Developers can copy the wallet address and paste it into the box. Then developers clicks the button “Send me test Ether” and wait for a few minutes. There will be several test ETH of Ropensten testnet on balance.

Rinkeby Faucet

Following faucet instruction via inputting specific Twitter or Facebook message links, developers can get test ETH on Rinkeby. Developers can change the amount of test ETH with different lengths of time.

Goerli Faucet

Following faucet instruction via inputting specific Twitter or Facebook message links, developers can get test ETH on Rinkeby. Developers can change the amount of test ETH with different lengths of time. This procedure is similar to Rinkeby Faucet.

Kovan Faucet

Click the link of “Kovan Faucet 1” and request test ETH as instruction.